Mill Road - The People's Hospital

by Mike Royden

Original back cover text;

In November 1993, the last wards closed at Mill Road Maternity Hospital, Liverpool, as part of the opening of the new Liverpool Women's Hospital. Certain services remained at Mill Road, but it was close to the end for a hospital that began life as a workhouse in 1838, had been a general infirmary and was devastated by bombs in the Second World War. In 1947, it reopened as a maternity hospital and was the place where thousands of Liverpool people came into the world.

The story about Mill Road - and above all, the people who worked there - is a remarkable one. The Liverpool Obstetric and Gynaecology Services NHS Trust, who had taken over the running of the hospital in the latter years, commissioned historian and author Michael Royden to tell that story.

Though Mill Road may be closed, the spirit that has seen it through so many changes will live on.

The service provided by Mill Road Hospital, the Liverpool Maternity Hospital in Oxford Street, and the Women's Hospital in Catharine Street, will all come together under in the Liverpool Women's Hospital in Liverpool 8.

A second volume, Caring for Women and Babies in Liverpool, covering the Oxford Street and Catharine Street hospitals, followed in 1995.

Mill Road - The People's Hospital has been out of print for some time, but copies do become available from time time with online sellers. Click below for availability.                          


Mill Road - The People's Hospital
by Mike Royden
Published for the Liverpool Obstetric and Gynaecology Services NHS Trust by Words Network (1993)
Paperback: 48 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0952260103
ISBN-10: 0952260107