Farndon Local History Pages

Farndon Village - Then and Now

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The Dee Bridge 1909/Christmas Day 2007

The High Street towards the village 1905/Christmas Day 2007

The High Street towards the bridge c1905/Christmas Day 2007

Farndon Pharmacy - c.1910/Modern

Farndon Bakery - c.1910/Modern

(picture credit: thanks to Russell Stones whose grandfather, owner of the Bakery is pictured)

Dee Tea Rooms - c.1900/Modern

Church Lane Corner & Rock Cottage c.1905/Modern

Lower High Street - c.1905/Modern

High Street-Churton Road Junction - c.1920s/Modern

Church Street - 1950s/Modern

Church Street - 1950s/Modern

Black and White Cottages, Barton Road

Church Lane Corner - 1960s/Modern

Church Lane Corner - 1950s/Modern

Boating on the Dee c1950s/2007

Farndon Bridge - c.1790/Modern

(picture credit: thanks to Avril and Tim at Farndon Hall)

Church Lane Corner - c.1905/Modern


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