Farndon Local History Pages

Farndon War Memorial - Grade II Listed Building

Farndon War Memorial
Farndon War Memorial
Farndon War Memorial

Heritage England, official list entry

Location   Churchyard of St Chad's Church, Church Lane, Farndon - SJ 41325 54499

Year listed   06 Oct 2016


First World War memorial unveiled on 2 November 1919 with further additions for the Second World War.

Reasons for Designation

Farndon War Memorial, unveiled on 2 November 1919, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:

* Historic interest: as an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on the local community, and the sacrifice it made in the conflicts of the C20;

* Architectural interest: an elegant wheel-head cross enriched with carved interlacing knot work;

* Group value: with the Church of St Chad (Grade II*) and table tombs in the churchyard (Grade II).


The aftermath of the First World War saw the biggest single wave of public commemoration ever with tens of thousands of memorials erected across England, both as a result of the huge impact the loss of three quarters of a million British lives had on communities and the official policy of not repatriating the dead, which meant that the memorials provided the main focus of the grief felt at this great loss.

One such memorial was raised at Farndon as a permanent testament to the sacrifice made by the members of the local community who lost their lives in the First World War.

£2,000 was raised by public subscription to fund the memorial cross and a commemorative public hall, £1,300 of which had been promised within eight weeks of the initial public meeting, held on 31 January 1919. The memorial was unveiled on 2 November 1919 by Major Barnston MP and dedicated by the Rev Alfred Bailey. It was reported that ‘every seat in the church was full and the great congregation followed a simple service with devout attention'. Whilst the sculptor of the memorial is at present unknown, the design of Farndon War Memorial is almost identical to that of the Bickerton memorial, executed by Haswell and Sons of Kaleyards, Chester.

Following the Second World War, the names of five men who served in that conflict were added to the south facing side of the plinth, with the inscription 1939 + 1945 added to the second step directly beneath. Messrs Clegg of Chester carried out the later work, quoting £4 for the cutting of the inscription, and £4 10s 0d for the washing of the memorial in June 1947.


MATERIALS: limestone.

DESCRIPTION: the memorial comprises a circa 5m tall Celtic-style wheel-head cross with interlace detailing in relief, which is set upon a tapering chamfered shaft. The shaft stands upon a rectangular plinth with a chamfered base on the east facing side of which the names of 18 men who served in the First World War are incised into the stone.

The plinth is set upon a three-stepped rectangular base.

The inscription is centrally inscribed on the riser of the top step and reads IN PERPETUAL MEMORY OF THESE / MEN WHO DIED FOR THEIR COUNTRY. Inscribed upon the second step below this is the date, separated by a cross, 1914 + 1919.

The names of five men who served in the Second World War were later added to the south facing side of the plinth, with the inscription 1939 + 1945 added to the riser of the second step directly beneath.

This List entry has been amended to add sources for War Memorials Online and the War Memorials Register. These sources were not used in the compilation of this List entry but are added here as a guide for further reading, 26 January 2017.

Source: Historic England, National Heritage List for England

Farndon: The History of a Cheshire Village, Frank A. Latham (Ed.)

Page 86;

At the end of hostilities there was controversy in the village over the type of memorial to those who had died. Some subscribed to the erection of a Memorial hall while others supported the erection of a cross in the churchyard. All the men returning home were given gold medals by the people of the village.

Page 53;

At a public meeting held in 1920 under the chairmanship of Mr. Noah Parker of Oak House, it was decided to erect this Memorial Hall to the memory of men who served and had lost their lives in the First World War. Money was raised by voluntary subscriptions, and on 22nd September 1921 a site was purchased from Mr. George Jones the butcher. This was situated in Church Lane, opposite to the Church, and on it was built Farndon War Memorial Hall in 1922. The first two trustees were Sir Harry Barnston M.P. and Philip Durning Holt of Sibbersfield Hall. It continued to be used for public meetings and entertainments until 1975 when, the population having grown, an extension had to be added. This was built in 1978 and opened on 22nd April of that year by the Mayor of Chester, Mrs. Sheila Garston. The architect was Mr. Peter Rowlandson and the builder was Mr. Davies, both of Farndon.

Frank A. Latham (Ed.), Farndon: The History of a Cheshire Village, (1981)

Farndon War Memorial

In the Cheshire village of Farndon, where eighteen men had been lost, some villagers subscribed to the erection of a Memorial Hall, while others supported the erection of a cross in the churchyard. In the end both were constructed, and all the men returning home were given gold medals by the people of the village.

Visit the War Memorial Project pages contained within this website for the comprehensive history of the memorials and all those commemorated.



War Memorials Online , accessed 26 January 2017

War Memorials Register , accessed 18 May 2016


Mike Royden, Village at War - The Cheshire Village of Farndon During the First World War (2016)

Cheshire Observer, 22 March 1919

Malpas Deanery Magazine, No. 12, Vol 24, December 1919

Minutes of parochial church council and annual parochial church meeting, April 1935 – April 1951


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