BNN Mission Unfindable - The Family of Adolf Hitler' - presenter: Katja Schuurman
The brief of the programme was to research the family of Adolf Hitler and to track down living relatives. I was telephoned by the producer Marlin Weghorst of the Dutch BNN TV programme who wanted to come to Liverpool to follow the Liverpool link with the Hitler family. (Hitler's half brother Alois lived in Upper Stanhope Street c.1911/13. His son William was born there in 1912. What has been vigorously debated over the years is to whether or not Adolf visited Alois during 1912/13. Personally I don't believe that there is any reliable evidence to say that he did and it is highly likely that he was in Vienna at the time he was supposed to be in Liverpool).
Here presenter Katja Schuurman is Googling for what she can find on Hitler's family. |