I have been researching and writing about various aspects of the local history of the Liverpool, Merseyside, S.W.Lancs, Cheshire area for over 30 years. Several works have been published (see links) but there are several papers which remain unseen. Some of this surfaces from time to time as material in local history evening classes which I run at the University of Liverpool Centre for Continuing Education.
However, this site makes the material immediately accessible. You are welcome to download, but please credit this source if you should use it. Thanks! I have always welcomed email correspondence in the past and I do try and reply where can, but the volume has become overwhelming, and I do not wish to offend when I cannot reply.

In 1991, to celebrate the bi-centennial celebration of the oldest school of its kind in the world, the Queen was invited to visit the School in the anniversary year. Mike was asked to prepare an exhibition on the history of the School, using displays, archives and artefacts. Mike spent 10 minutes talking to the Queen, who was later presented with a special leather bound copy of his book as a momento of her visit.