Farndon Local History Pages

Farndon Schools

The Old School House

Farndon Cinema 1970s / Old Schoolhouse

The Old School House is revealed behind the old site of Farndon Cinema
(Roll mouse over image to compare views)

The Old School House

The Old School House is situated adjacent to farm buildings and barns belonging to Bridge View, one of which stood across the front of the building effecively hiding it from the High Street. It was only after the demolition of this building (right), which had operated for much of the twentieth century as Farndon Picture Palace, that the aspect opened up.


(Right: The Picture Palace photographed in the 1970s, with a glimpse of the schoolhouse to the left. Click to enlarge. )

The 'school house' does not seem to exist on the 1840 Tithe Map, but it was occupied by 1861, when the resident was Robert Roberts, a school and choir master. He was born in Malins Lee, Shropshire in 1835, and lived with his wife Jane from Checkley, Staffordshire, sixteen years his senior.

The Tithe Map of 1840 - plot 90

The Tithe Map of 1840 - plot 90 - Bridge View with outbuilding to the rear (later the Cinema)

Robert and Jane Milner were married on 14 April 1857 in Daventry, Northampton, before their move to Farndon. Robert was already a qualified schoolmaster, and came to teach in one of the village schools. By 1871, Robert he was alone at the time of his census, but his wife was visiting her family in Checkley, Staffordshire, which happened again during 1881. In 1891 they were both together visiting Jane's sister in Croydon, along with another of her sisters.

Robert seems to have left Farndon by 1881, and the the school had been taken over by an Irishman, George Browne. This was rather unusual, as he had been Innkeeper of the White Lion in Holt, where he lived with Mary Armstrong and her children. By 1881, he had moved to the the Old School House, now describing himself as a schoolmaster, where he was aided by his step-daughter Harriet Armstrong, who was a schoolmistress. Together, they ran the small school as 'Brown’s Academy for Young Gentlemen'. This was short-lived however, as by 1901 Harriet was married to Harry Jones and had returned to Holt where they ran the Greddington Arms. There was no sign of George on the census and the house reverted to a private residence.

By 1912 it had come into the ownership of Thomas Roycoft who opened the cinema, continued by his family, and the former school house remained hidden behind it until the cinema was demolished in 1986.

The Old School House highlighted on the map of 1897

The old school house building to the centre rear of the high street buildings - from the church tower 1950s

The old school house building to the centre rear of the high street buildings - from the church tower 1950s

The Old Schoolhouse, pre-cinema c.1910 / The Old Schoolhouse and cinema c.1950 (white fascia boards)

Roll mouse over image to compare views

The Old School House today

Researched and written by Mike Royden

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